Late-Breaking Workshop Submission for #EFIC2022 extended

Late-Breaking Workshop Submission for #EFIC2022 extended

The call for late-breaking workshops is now being extended until the 4th of October at 23:59 CET. This will be your final chance to submit a workshop to the largest European congress on pain taking place in Dublin on 27-30 April 2022. Don’t miss this opportunity...
Apply for #EFIC2022 Financial Aid!

Apply for #EFIC2022 Financial Aid!

The European Pain Federation EFIC has limited funding to provide aid to applicants from low resource and currency-restricted countries. The financial aid coverage varies and may include accommodation, possible help in costs towards travel, and daily expenses. As the...
5 Reasons Why You Should Submit an Abstract to #EFIC2022

5 Reasons Why You Should Submit an Abstract to #EFIC2022

The abstract submission process has officially started and you only have until 26 October 2021 to submit your proposal! But why should you submit an abstract at all? Good question. We put together a list of five reasons why you definitely should not miss this...
5 Reasons Why You Should Submit an Abstract to #EFIC2022

#EFIC2022 Abstract Submission Now Open!

With less than a year to go until the next EFIC Congress in Dublin, Ireland, we are excited to announce that abstract submission is now open. This is your chance to showcase your research, present your work in front of peers and receive valuable feedback. Find out...
5 Reasons Why You Should Attend #EFIC2022

5 Reasons Why You Should Attend #EFIC2022

#EFIC2022​​​​​​​​​​​​​ is the largest European Pain Congress in 2022 As an organisation, the European Pain Federation EFIC® has been growing steadily over the last 25 years in its core domains of education, research, and advocacy. We have developed into Europe´s most...