#EFIC2022 Endorsed Events

Pre-Congress International Satellite Symposium: Neural circuits of pain- IV

Heidelberg, Germany, April 24-25, 2022


Chronic pain is the one of the most prevalent health problem in the modern world. This conference will focus on interrogating, discussing and debating structural and functional insights into circuits and networks underlying sensory and affective components of pain and their modulation by conditions which induce structural reorganization and functional plasticity, including disease states, negative emotions and stress. Therefore, this meeting will connect global pioneers and experts with next generation troubleshooters to discover new knowledge, explore growing research, discuss latest insights and advances on neural circuits at all levels in pain pathways spanning novel data in basic science as well as clinical research. The venue of the symposium is centrally situated in the picturesque city of Heidelberg and is easily accessible via public transportation. There is sufficient time after the satellite symposium to travel to the EFIC meeting in Dublin, Ireland. To facilitate scientific exchange, we plan to limit the number of attendees to maximally 150-180, provided no additional Covid-related regulations apply.

This Satellite Symposium is endorsed by the European Pain Federation EFIC® and  will be hosted by the Heidelberg Pain Consortium (Collaborative Research Centre 1158 of the German Research Foundation). In addition to invited international expert speakers, we would like to particularly give young scientists an opportunity to present their research, who will be selected on the basis of abstracts submitted. Poster presentations are also possible. We, therefore, encourage international scientists to participate and particularly encourage young doctoral and postdoctoral researchers to submit abstracts for talks.

We are excited to announce that this Satellite Symposium will be held in-person. Having gone through the various restrictions due to the COVID pandemic, this meeting will provide a unique opportunity to gather once again as a community and to meet each other in-person in the beautiful city of Heidelberg.

In this meeting, we will be strictly following all COVID-19-related security and health measures and restrictions, in accordance with local and international regulations. The organizers are closely monitoring the global and local situation in relation to the COVID-19 developments. Updates will be provided on the conference website.

We welcome the international pain research community to Heidelberg!

Main Organiser:

Rohini Kuner, Pharmacology Institute, Heidelberg University, Germany.


Herta Flor, Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim and Heidelberg University Germany.


Speakers include:

Yves De Koninck, Paul Geha, Thomas Graven-Nielsen, Ru-Rong Ji, Eija Kalso, Michaela Kress, Gregory Scherrer, Cheryl Stucky, Tor Wager, Felix Viana and John Wood


Conference coordinators:

Dr. Pooja Gupta and Anne Seller

Contact: conference@pharma.uni-heidelberg.de



Marriott Hotel,

Vangerowstrasse 16

D-69115, Heidelberg (Germany)


Official website: https://sfb1158.de/index.php/news2/neural-circuits

Website for Covid regulations: https://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/en/coronavirus/2317268#content_5

Registration and fees: Registration is mandatory for all the attendees. Please check the website for more details.

Faculty and industry scientists: 350 euros

Postdoctoral scientists: 300 euros

Students: 250 euros

Heidelberg/Mannheim faculty and postdoctoral scientists: 300 euros


Registration fees include coffee breaks, non-alcoholic beverages during the sessions, lunch on all the days, dinner on April 24th and the registration materials. Please provide the proof of your status (graduate student, medical student or junior postdoctoral fellow) via student identity card or the letter of support from your supervisor.


Enquiries: Dr. Pooja Gupta

Phone: +49-6221-5416602; Email: conference@pharma.uni-heidelberg.de

WIP XI World Congress Budapest 2022

The World Institute of Pain is excited to announce that our XI World Congress will be held in Budapest, Hungary, August 25-27th, 2022. Innovation and Change in Pain Management in a post covid world will be the theme of what is expected to be one of the best conferences in 2022.

Find out more and register here: https://wipbudapest2022.congressline.hu/

Roma Pain Days

The Paolo Procacci Foundation (PPF) is pleased to invite you to the Roma Pain Days which will take place in Roma on September 2-3, 2022. It will be a hybrid conference model, in person and online, in order to offer you a double type of participation: onsite in the outstanding city of Roma, also enjoying the famous “Ottobrate Romane”, or online with your smartphone, tablet or personal computer combining your everyday work with the opportunity to get educational credits. Be sure that the Scientific Committee will provide a comprehensive program with presentations given by leaders and experts in the field of Pain Medicine, including our committed corporate partners, with industry symposia, courses and other educational activities. Invited lectures by leading experts will provide updates on the rapidly advancing field of pain. The program includes a wide array of topics such as acute pain, chronic pain, neuropathic pain, rheumatologic pain, pain in palliative care, pharmacological management of pain, Interventional management of pain, COVID-19 and pain, and side effects of pain management.

Website: https://romapaindays.eu/index.php?action=preview
Abstract submission: https://webplatform.planning.it/romapaindays2022/sendabstract
Registration: https://webplatform.planning.it/romapaindays2022/register

IASP World Congress on Pain 2022

The World Congress on Pain takes place in Toronto, Canada on 19-23 September 2022. This event brings together more than 7,000 scientists, clinicians, and healthcare providers from around the world and across pain disciplines. The 2022 World Congress on Pain will take place in the Metro Toronto Convention Center.

Find out more here: https://iaspworldcongress2022.org/