As our world becomes increasingly digital, our healthcare services will adapt and take advantage of the new opportunties this opens up. At the same time, our patients will continue to expect human contact. With the average increase in life expectancy, as well as new...
Register for #EFIC2022 NOW! Are you a basic or preclinical pain researcher? Then sign up for #EFIC2022 right away! The next EFIC Congress taking place in Dublin, Ireland on 27-30 April 2022 is a great opportunity for researchers as it provides them with a large...
The call for abstract submission has now been extended until Tuesday, 2 November 2021 at 23:59 CET. This will be your final chance to submit an abstract to the largest European congress on pain taking place in Dublin on 27-30 April 2022. Don’t miss this opportunity to...
Would you like to know more about the largest European congress in 2022 focusing entirely on pain? Watch this interview with Eija Kalso, the Chair of the Scientific Programme Committee to hear from her directly on the theme and the main topics of #EFIC2022. Register...
We are delighted to announce that registration for our upcoming Pain in Europe XII Congress – Targeting Pain and its Comorbidities in the Digital Age, is now OPEN! We are hard at work planning for a big, on-site, live celebration of science and education in...