The theme for the #EFIC2022 Congress in Dublin, Ireland is “Targeting pain and its comorbidities in the Digital Age“. In addition, the scientific programme will focus on burning issues such as new research methodologies and the limitations of existing research paradigms and the future of analgesics. As our world becomes increasingly digital, our healthcare services will adapt and take advantage of the new opportunties this opens up. At the same time, our patients will continue to expect human contact. With the average increase in life expectancy, as well as new treatments being available to cure or control different diseases, comorbidities are becoming more and more prevalent in most chronic diseases.
The European Journal of Pain (EJP) is the official journal of the European Pain Federation. It is a multi-disciplinary, international journal that aims to be a global forum on all aspects of pain research and pain management.
Please find a selection of open-access articles relevant to the #EFIC2022 Scientific Programme for further reading here:
Insomnia is a risk factor for spreading of chronic pain: A Swedish longitudinal population study (SwePain)
09 May 2020: Insomnia is a risk factor for spreading of chronic pain: A Swedish longitudinal population study (SwePain), Tobias Wiklund, Björn Gerdle, Steven J. Linton, Elena Dragioti, Britt Larsson –
Characteristics and influence on quality of life of new-onset pain in critical COVID-19 survivors
06 December 2021: Characteristics and influence on quality of life of new-onset pain in critical COVID-19 survivors, Antonio Ojeda, Andrea Calvo, Tomas Cuñat, Ricard Mellado-Artigas, Oscar Comino-Trinidad, Jorge Aliaga, Marilyn Arias, Carlos Ferrando, Graciela Martinez-Pallí, Christian Dürsteler –
The role of psychological flexibility, perceived injustice and body image in Vulvodynia: A longitudinal study
20 July 2021: The role of psychological flexibility, perceived injustice and body image in Vulvodynia: A longitudinal study, Claudia Chisari, Mahira Budhraja, Mani B. Monajemi, Fiona Lewis, Rona Moss-Morris, Whitney Scott, Lance M. McCracken –
Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation over the primary motor cortex attenuates capsaicin-induced dynamic mechanical allodynia and mechanical pain sensitivity in humans
14 March 2020: Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation over the primary motor cortex attenuates capsaicin-induced dynamic mechanical allodynia and mechanical pain sensitivity in humans, Sam W. Hughes, Grace Ward, Paul H. Strutton –
Five-year observational study of Internet-delivered cognitive behavioural pain management when offered as routine care by an online therapy clinic
30 September 2021: Five-year observational study of Internet-delivered cognitive behavioural pain management when offered as routine care by an online therapy clinic, Heather D. Hadjistavropoulos, Vanessa Peynenburg, David Thiessen, Luke H. Schneider, Marcie Nugent, Andrew Wilhelms, Eyal Karin, Nickolai Titov, Blake F. Dear –
Digital manikins to self-report pain on a smartphone: A systematic review of mobile apps
28 October 2020: Digital manikins to self-report pain on a smartphone: A systematic review of mobile apps, Syed Mustafa Ali, Wei J. Lau, John McBeth, William G. Dixon, Sabine N. van der Veer –