Heike Rittner
My research focusses on peripheral mechanisms of inflammatory and neuropathic pain, with an emphasis on regenerative techniques, antinociceptive pathways, tissue barrier homeostasis and in particular pain resolution networks. So, my group is active in basic and clinical translation research – specifically of the complex regional pain syndrome – but also health care research on multimodal pain treatment in several research consortia. We employ patients’ biomaterials, advanced preclinical rodent models and state-of-the-art animal behavioral portfolios, as well as in vitro cellular systems for barriers and neuronal structures to decipher these pathways. As a result, I have written more than 60 original research papers as well as reviews and contributed books on pain research. Starting in January of this year, I am the Scientific Leader of the Clinical Research Group KFO5001 ResolvePAIN funded by the German Research Foundation based in Würzburg.
During my training, I worked in rheumatology research at the Mayo Clinic and anesthesiology at the Charité and the University Hospital Würzburg. I now serve as a consultant in anesthesiology and the director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Pain Medicine (ZiS). We offer too our patients acute postoperative pain services, outpatient clinics and several different daycare interdisciplinary multimodal pain treatment programs as well as interdisciplinary multimodal inpatient treatment.