Emma Briggs
Emma is based at the Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care, King’s College London. At King’s she led the development of the UK’s first Interprofessional Pain Education programme that is delivered annually for 1300 students from six disciplines. As a member of the European Pain Federation EFIC Education Committee, she has the privilege of chairing the Nursing Working Group that developed the EFIC Core Curriculum for the European Diploma in Pain Nursing and interprofessional competencies across the EFIC curricula. She is passionate about interprofessional and competency–based education (developing skills, knowledge and values) and works locally, nationally and internationally to improve pain education for the benefit of people in pain.
She is past chair of the British Pain Society Education Special Interest Group where she and the team have led a number of projects to develop undergraduate and postgraduate education. Emma is also a member of the International Association for the Study of Pain Education Initiatives Working Group.